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Wei Te-Sheng

Wei Te-Sheng is a renowned Taiwanese director. He joined Director Edward Yang's film studio in 1993. In 1994, his first screenplay won the Excellent Film Script Award from the Taiwan officials. Wei then began making short films and received numerous awards. After leaving Edward Yang's film studio, he wrote and directed "Cape No. 7" in 2008, which swept the Taiwan box office and brought him fame overnight. As of today, “Cape No.7” still dominates the Taiwan box office. The film won the Best Narrative Feature and Audience Choice Award at the 45th Golden Horse Awards, and Wei was awarded the Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker of the Year and Best Director. The film also helped him to generate funds to create another box office hit, the epic "Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale".


​導演介紹 及 創作理念


《BIG》故事回到多年前,我在一次的電視紀錄片訪談中遇見了一個小女孩,她因為骨癌一腳截肢,手指頭也少了幾根,每天就比著 ROCKER 的手勢跳來跳去,卻令人意外的樂觀愛笑,這給我很大的震撼及啟發:如果有一群小朋友,男生、女生,有單純小小的戀愛、友情、有離別、有重逢,但背景是在兒童癌症病房裡,那這些平凡都會變得很不一樣,充滿了故事和情感。




Cast & Crew


Cheng You-fei as Yuan

鄭又菲 飾 源源

Tseng Pui-tzu as Yuan's Mom

曾沛慈 飾 源源媽

Umin Boya as Dr. Warm

馬志翔 飾 溫暖

Rose Yu as Jia-nong

于卉喬 飾 珈農

Nuala as Nuala

黃之諾 飾 努拉

Max Kuo as Charm

郭大睿 飾 大杉

鍾雪瑩 吳冰.jpeg

BIG Crews

BIG 創作團隊

    Producers: Hsu Gou-lun

    Director & Writers: Wei Te-Sheng

    Director of Animation: Takumi Tanji

    Art Director: leonardo ken usami

    Editor: Su Pei-yi

    Original Music: K.K. Ho

    監製: 徐國倫

    導演 編劇: 魏德聖

    動畫導演: 丹治匠

    美術監督: 宇佐美レオナルド健

    剪接: 蘇珮儀

    原創音樂: 何國傑


816 病房的小孩身上都劃上了勇士的印記,這是跟病魔纏鬥的徽章。

這裡有耶穌 V.S. 地藏王、有輪椅尬車大會,有小孩說要喇舌一起睡!?
苦樂共享的 816 病房,把握每個當下,珍惜好好說再見的機會。
到底是誰把門上的 816 塗改成 BIG? BIG 代表什麼?



BIG brings together the heartfelt stories of six groups of families from different social classes and perspectives. The children in the ward are all with the mark of a warrior, which is a badge of fighting against the disease. There is Jesus V.S. Ksitigarbha, there is a wheelchair rally, and there are children who want to sleep together! There are also parents who always quarrel, but support each other at critical moments.

In ward 816, where pain and joy are shared, they seize every moment and cherish the opportunity to say goodbye.

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